Our Exceptional Portfolios are designed to offer you a cost effective, globally diversified investment. We know choice is important, so you are free to choose how your funds are invested. Based on your tolerance to risk and your investment time horizon we can help guide you to the portfolio that fits your financial goals. So check out the options below and let’s get started.
We will ask you questions that will help determine your investment time horizon and comfort level towards risk. Aggressive, Moderate or Conservative options are available.
We know that everyone has their own unique style and approach in every aspect of their lives. We offer you choice between Passive, Active and Socially Responsible investment portfolios.
We will facilitate the account set up process through a secure DocuSign email then will guide you through the account funding process.
Once the account is funded our money management team will implement and manage the investment portfolio you have chosen. You will receive access to your online client portal that updates your account value and performance daily. You will receive monthly statements emailed directly to you from your custodian as well as market commentary from your portfolio management team. Let the journey begin!
Risk tolerance is an important component in investing. An individual should have a realistic understanding of his or her ability and willingness to stomach large swings in the value of his or her investments. Investors need to be comfortable with their risk tolerance especially when markets are in prolonged periods of volatility.
Every investor is unique. You need to identify the amount of risk you are comfortable taking based on several factors such as age, projected time in the market and life events that we are all faced with just to name a few. We offer choice in portfolios as well as freedom to determine your risk tolerance between Aggressive, Moderate and Conservative approaches to investing. Your personal risk tolerance drives our asset allocation decisions. All Exceptional Portfolio offerings are constructed based on your risk tolerance, ranging from aggressive, moderate to conservative. The examples shown provide 3 hypothetical risk tolerance examples.
The Exceptional Portfolio management team has a combined 100 years in the investment management and technology industry. Together we have been creating diversified portfolios for individuals and families for the last 14 years. We are not a team of software engineers who outsource investment decisions to algorithms or to a board of retired investment professionals. We have seen many bear markets including the market crash of 1987, the difficult market cycles during the first Gulf war, the tech bubble in the late 90’s, the aftermath following 9/11, and the great recession starting in 2008. In March of 2009 when the DOW was trading in the 5,000’s we determined the world was not coming to an end and we remained fully invested.
While we like to keep all the important information about your investments and portfolio growth in our easy-to-use client portal, we understand the importance client communication. If you’re curious about the types of accounts we manage, we have detailed information on a variety of options. If you want to know more about us, you can explore our investment philosophy and details about our team.
Put simply, a portfolio is the combination of your holdings and investment assets. Our primary goal is to increase the value of your investments over multiple investment cycles as you reap the rewards of successful long-term investing. These successes come from calculated purchases of stocks, bonds, ETF’s and mutual funds that match your particular goals and needs.
You will answer several questions which gives us an idea of your investment time horizon and how much risk you are comfortable with. Based on your answers you will be presented with our assessment of where you fit in the risk/reward spectrum. For example you may, based on your answers, be a moderate investor or a conservative investor. You may disagree with this assessment, and that is ok. We believe that choice is very important; you will have the opportunity to change your risk assessment when you are presented with your portfolio choice.
Once you have chosen your portfolio, you will register yourself into the Exceptional Client Portal. When you login to the portal, you will answer a few more questions that will help us create your account and paperwork. The paperwork will contain a new account application and utilize DocuSign, a secure electronic way to email paperwork to you and for you to return it to us. Once you return the paperwork to us, it will be processed, and your account will be opened. The final steps include your account funding and investing your new portfolio based on your selection.
Instead of offering a small range of options, our team specializes in maximizing the effectiveness of a suite of investment choices. If you’re an individual who wants to expand all your options, we can offer streamlined portfolios for your particular lifestyle and goals. Or if you’re part of a family, we offer support for joint accounts, and even trust accounts for the future financial stability of your children.
Speaking of the future, we believe in planning ahead. We’ll give you all the possibilities for maximizing your retirement potential. If you have an existing IRA Rollover or 401k’s from previous employers we can help consolidate these into a new IRA Rollover account. We can then manage any new IRA or Roth IRA accounts, and SEP IRA accounts. No challenge is too much for our team.
There are so many ways you can invest in yourself. In the area of your personal finances we urge you to sign up for the exceptional “invest in yourself” program. By setting up electronic funds transfer between your personal checking account and your investment account you can begin saving for your future at a frequency to which you feel most comfortable. You'll be able to manage your fund transfers by completing a form available on our client portal. You may also apply for Schwab Mobile Deposit which makes depositing as simple as taking a picture with your smart phone. Why would you pay bills each month and not pay yourself? Begin investing in yourself today!
Speaking of future, we believe in planning ahead. We’ll give you all the possibilities for maximizing your retirement potential. If you have an existing IRA Rollover or 401k’s from previous employers we can help consolidate these into a new IRA Rollover account. We can then manage any new IRA or Roth IRA accounts, and SEP IRA accounts. No challenge is too much for our team.